Is the ASU food bank/pantry available to staff?

Is the ASU food bank/pantry available to staff? Considering the economic realities facing ASU staff, I propose that access to the Pitchfork Pantry food bank be extended to all employees. Here are several compelling reasons why this initiative is necessary and beneficial:
Financial Hardship: Many ASU staff members are struggling to make ends meet due to the widening gap between salaries and the cost of living. Access to the food bank can provide essential support for those facing financial hardship, ensuring they have access to nutritious food without additional financial burden.
Employee Well-being: Financial stress can significantly impact employee well-being and productivity. By providing access to the food bank, ASU demonstrates its commitment to supporting the holistic health of its staff members, promoting a positive work environment, and reducing stress levels among employees.
Retention and Recruitment: Offering access to essential resources like the food bank can enhance employee retention and recruitment efforts. When employees feel supported by their organization during challenging times, they are more likely to remain loyal to the institution. Additionally, prospective employees may be more attracted to ASU knowing that the institution prioritizes the welfare of its staff.
Fulfillment of University Values: ASU prides itself on fostering a diverse and inclusive community that prioritizes equity and social responsibility. Providing access to the food bank aligns with these values by ensuring that all staff members, regardless of their financial situation, have access to basic necessities.
Community Support: The Pitchfork Pantry is a valuable resource that serves the ASU community by addressing food insecurity. By extending access to staff members, ASU demonstrates its commitment to supporting the entire university community and fostering a culture of compassion and support.
In conclusion, extending access to the Pitchfork Pantry food bank to ASU staff members is a proactive and compassionate response to the financial challenges many of us are facing. By implementing this initiative, ASU can demonstrate its commitment to the well-being of its employees and uphold its values of equity and inclusion.

Alternately, providing free parking could help offset our inflationary burden. Parking expenses can represent a significant financial burden for ASU staff members, particularly those who commute long distances to campus.
Providing free parking for employees would ease this financial strain and contribute to a more positive work environment by eliminating a source of stress for staff members. Additionally, free parking can serve as an attractive incentive for both current and prospective employees, enhancing ASU's recruitment and retention efforts.

We are all struggling terribly.


The Pitchfork Pantry is a student-run club (mostly undergraduate students with a faculty advisor) that is entirely self-funded. The group receives no funding or space from the University as we have been told that we are not an innovative solution to solve food insecurity. Despite that, the pantry serves upwards of 2000 students per month in our various locations. We are happy to work with the ASU Staff Council and provide food resources to anyone who may need a little extra help. Anyone can register for an upcoming distribution on our website (

Under the banner of the ASU Foundation, the faculty advisor (Maureen McCoy) is able to write for grants and receive individual donations as a 501(c )3 and with the funding that we receive, the pantry purchases fresh produce from a local produce cooperative that works with local small farms. We also work with all local food banks to source foods as well as other locations that we purchase/receive donations from for perishable and non-perishable food items.

Please contact the faculty advisor, Maureen McCoy (, for further discussions and solutions. The pantry is happy to help ASU staff!



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