Biased decision making on Staff Helping Staff applications

I am utterly disappointed, disturbed and frustrated with the lack of equal appropriation of funds for all Staff Helping Staff applicants. I submitted an application upon the recommendation of my co-worker. This co-worker (also a close personal friend) experienced a hardship with costly car repairs and was awarded the full amount requested to repair her car. When I experienced THE SAME car issues and submitted an application for THE SAME amount - I WAS DENIED! I replicated the wording on my hardship statement with her assistance. I do not feel this program offers assistance to those that truly need assistance, but rather to those that need to "get a bill paid" and ignore those that submit applications based on merit and true hardships! I struggled with submitting this submission, but was overwhelmed with the clear inequity this program bases it's award/denial decisions on! I will not encourage others nor speak highly of what this program has to offer solely based on my own experience with the biased application decision making.




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