Cost of living

Will ASU consider implementing a cost of living adjustment for employee salaries? Many full-time employees, myself included, are finding it increasingly challenging to make ends meet. Despite the soaring cost of living, our salaries have not kept pace, leaving us struggling financially. It's disheartening to see that an average worker without specialized skills can earn over $15 per hour at a Walmart store, while highly qualified researchers with valuable expertise are only compensated at $20 per hour. With housing costs consuming a significant portion of our income, ASU must address this issue to ensure fair compensation for its employees. Additionally, it's worth noting that while tuition fees for students increase every year, the salaries of staff members remain stagnant, exacerbating the financial strain on employees.


Thank you for your question. ASU sets Staff pay minimums at $20.00 per hour and $42,000 per year for most every full-time and part-time non-exempt and exempt employee, respectively. At the same time, ASU funded a Merit Program for calendar year 2024. ASU continues to monitor changes in the relevant labor markets and plans for wage adjustments based on this and the ability to fund increases from year-to-year. While not directly linked to cost-of-living, monitoring labor market changes – which are influenced by cost-of-living – helps ensure ASU remains competitive.

As an institution of higher learning, ASU recognizes the value of education for students and faculty and staff alike. At the same time, establishing pay ranges and setting employee pay is dependent upon many factors including overall market assessments directly related to what peer organizations pay for similar positions to those at ASU. Education levels factor into that equation however, marketplace values are dependent upon many factors including the supply and demand for labor and market assessments are holistic evaluations notwithstanding the importance of education. ASU’s employee tuition reduction program is intended to make education an affordable option – should employees choose – to increase their personal growth and increase opportunities for career growth within the university.

ASU strives to institutionalize fair and equitable decision-making when it comes to how employees are treated in all aspects of their employment. In situations where fairness issues arise, ASU leadership actively engages stakeholders to evaluate and assess such situations and provide solutions, as appropriate. This has and continues to be the philosophy and approach the university follows.

As a helpful resource, we also encourage you to explore resolved comments and/or questions on the Speak Up Be Heard community page, focusing on compensation:

Furthermore, we suggest reaching out to your department or college HR Representative to discuss further. Additionally, you can engage with the Office of Human Resources Business Partners team as an alternate to provide feedback. We appreciate the time you’ve taken to share your concerns and thank you again for your feedback.



Last Updated


Human Resources (Benefits)