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Staff Council Bylaws (until webpage is updated) 

The name of the organization will be the Arizona State University (ASU) Staff Council (also referred to as “SC,” or the “Council”).

The SC shall consist of Classified Staff and University Staff at Arizona State University. There shall be an Executive Board which is comprised of President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Secretary and Past President as well as a Vice President and Assistant Vice President from each campus. Each campus shall have its own elected Campus Council, comprised of a Vice President and Assistant Vice President; as well as Council members and committee members that participate in Council activities. The Campus Councils of the SC shall coordinate activities and communication through common meetings and meetings of the Campus Council for each campus.

Provide support and a voice for staff at the University through communication, education and engagement.

Section 1: Recommendations on Issues and Activities

  1. The Council shall serve as an advisory organization providing guidance and feedback to the ASU President (or designee) on issues that may affect staff.
  2. The Council shall facilitate various activities, events, and programs related, but not limited to:
    1. Implementation of university-wide programs
    2. Ways to enhance the work environment
    3. Improving mutual respect and the workplace climate
    4. Salary and benefits issues
    5. Staff personnel policies and procedures
    6. Training and development opportunities
    7. Staff recognition and appreciation

Section 2: Recommendations for Representatives

The Executive Board, while working with the overall Staff Council, will recommend representatives for membership on university related committees and/or task forces which may have an impact on staff related issues.

  2. Council members shall seek and gather feedback and input from departmental staff on issues related to university working conditions. Council members shall communicate these issues with the Campus Councils and/or Executive Board, and work to resolve the issue and/or find solutions to remedy the issues.
  3. Council members will attend regularly scheduled meetings, committee meetings, and other special sessions as needed (see Article XII, Section 1). Council members are expected to attend at least 60% of all council, campus council and committee meetings that they are a member of, to keep in good standing.  The Policies and Procedures will set the parameters of how to work with those members that are not meeting this requirement.
  4. Council members will participate in SC standing committees that are outlined in these bylaws, and will also seek other staff outside the Council to serve as members of these committees. Council members are required to serve on at least one (1) committee. 
  5. Council members will report, orally or in writing at each general Council meeting, on the activities and items discussed or reviewed at any other university related committee meeting(s) in which they attended as a Council representative.
  6. Active Council members will be invited to attend the annual meeting in June each fiscal year. 

Section 1: Elected and Appointed Council Members

  1. The Council membership should strive to reflect a ratio of approximately one (1) council member per each campus academic or administrative unit that are either elected or appointed to the Council.
  2. Elected Council members shall represent the staff in each of the academic or administrative unit at each of the campuses, in addition to their Council section at their campus, and the SC as a whole.
  3. Council members shall be elected/appointed into office during the month of April each year (see Article VII).
    1. The term period for elected Council members shall be for two (2) fiscal years, with an option to extend their membership for a second term with supervisor approval (see Article VII, Section 1).
    2. During the months of May and June, recently elected and appointed Council members are encouraged to attend and participate in discussions at Council meetings.
  4. Appointed Council members are individuals that are appointed to an SC position to properly ensure that each academic or administrative unit is represented on the Council. Appointments may be made by the ASU President (or other designee) or by one of the campus Vice Presidents.

Section 2: The Executive Board


  1. The Executive Board shall be comprised of a President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Secretary, Past President, and the Vice President and Assistant Vice President for each campus.
  2. To prevent a complete Executive Board turnover every year, the Council will elect new Executive Board members from the general Council membership, to serve a term period of two (2) fiscal years as follows:
    1. Each even numbered fiscal year, a new Secretary and Treasurer will be elected.
    2. Each odd numbered fiscal year, a new Parliamentarian will be elected.
    3. Each odd numbered fiscal year, a new President-Elect will be elected to serve one year, then progress to President for a two-year term.
    4. The Spokesperson for the Council shall be the President.

Section 3: Ex-Officio Members


  1. The ASU President shall appoint up to three (3) designees from the leadership of ASU to serve as liaisons, and report on the activities and recommendations of the Council. The primary designee shall be the Vice President for Human Resources.
  2. The Vice President for Human Resources (or other designee) will serve as an ex-officio (non-voting member) on the Council, and shall report on the activities and recommendations of the Council to the ASU President.
  3. The SC President shall serve as Past President for two (2) fiscal years, following the completion of their term as President, and as an ex-officio (non-voting member) except in cases of tie votes in Council elections or decisions.

Section 4: Staff Council Admin

The Council shall be provided a benefits-eligible Council Admin, which is a paid position working under the supervision of the SC President as well as within the Office of Human Resources.

Section 1: Candidate Eligibility for Council Members

  1. Candidates seeking membership to the Council must be a Classified Staff or University Staff employee.
  2. Candidates must complete their employment probationary period prior to their nomination of self-nomination.

Section 2: General Council Member Election Procedures

  1. All Council members will be elected/appointed for a term of two (2) fiscal years each April.
  2. An elected member of the Council may extend his/her service voluntarily, and with supervisor approval, for a second two (2) year term without standing for election (except for Executive Board positions).
  3. Council members must remain off the Council for a period of one (1) fiscal year after serving any portion of his/her two (2) year or extended four (4) year term, before running for re-election or being re-appointed. Exception to this will occur with supervisor approval for continued service on the Council (not the Executive Board) on a yearly basis.
  4. Voting in the election for general Council members is open to all benefits-eligible staff.
  5. The Executive Board will make the determination on the rules for voting.  These rules will be outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

Section 1: Candidate Eligibility for Executive Board Members

  1. Any Council member may run for an Executive Board position.
  2. Candidates seeking the position of President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Parliamentarian or a campus Vice President or Assistant Vice President must have served on the Council as an elected or appointed member for at least six (6) months prior to the election for that fiscal year. In the event that there are no candidates seeking a position, then the Executive Board can modify this rule to allow the temporary removal of this paragraph.

Section 2: Executive Board Election Procedures

  1. All elected Executive Board members, except President or President-Elect,  will serve for a term of two (2) fiscal years, and may serve consecutive terms, up to four (4) fiscal years. The fiscal year will be considered July 1 through June 30.
  2. Voting for Executive Board members is open to all Council members.
  3. Executive Board members must remain off the Executive Board for a period of one (1) fiscal year after serving any portion of his/her term (up to 2 terms maximum), before running for re-election or being re-appointed.
  4. To prevent a complete turnover on the Executive Board, each campus will elect a new Assistant Vice President to the Executive Board from the Council membership each year, to serve a term of two (2) fiscal years as follows:
    1. The new officer shall serve as Assistant Vice President for their respective campus for the first year of the term.
    2. This elected Assistant Vice President shall move to Vice President for one year, to complete the two-year term.
    3. After completion of the term as a campus Vice President, rotate off the Board.
  5. In the event of a tie, as with the Campus Council the Past President shall cast the deciding vote to break the tie. Should the Past President not be present or need to recuse themselves, a separate run-off election will be held.

Section 1: Executive Board Responsibilities

  1. Yearly updates of the strategic plan, which will clearly define the long and short-term objectives of the Council.
  2. Meeting on a bi-monthly basis, prior to the regularly scheduled meetings to address agenda and other pertinent Council issues.
  3. The overall financial integrity of the Council.
  4. Annual reviews of the bylaws that represent the Council mission statement, and provide recommendations for amendments to the bylaws.
  5. Provide the policies and procedures for how the Council conducts business.
  6. Each Executive Board member will serve as a liaison to at least one standing SC Committee

Section 2: President Responsibilities

  1. Shall preside with voting rights at all Executive Board meetings.
  2. Serves as the Council representative at all university committee and/or task force meetings.
  3. Serves as liaison to at least one standing SC Committee.
  4. Communicates to the Executive Board on working environment issues reported by staff and Council members, and advises the ASU President on changes and improvements that can be implemented.
  5. Appoints Council members to represent the Council on various university-related committees and/or task forces upon the recommendation of the Executive Board.
  6. Provides direction and assigns duties to the Council Admin, who supports the Council activities and roles.
  7. Has authority to approve and authorize financial software signing:
    1. Council financial documents; and
    2. Official Council correspondence.
  8. Serves as a representative and designated signer on the Reduction-in-Force panel.
  9. Fulfills such other responsibilities as given to this officer elsewhere in these bylaws or by action of the Council.
  10. Serves as the Spokesperson for the Council
    1. Communicates with the VP of Human Resources (or other designee).
    2. Serves as the Council spokesperson at all major staff-related events as requested.
    3. Serve as the Council spokesperson at any ad-hoc committee meetings or presentations as requested.
    4. Serves as media contact for Council press releases, or interviews in coordination with the Office of University Affairs.
    5. If unavailable for a certain event or meeting, the Spokesperson may designate another Executive Board member to stand in.
    6. Assigns the Executive Board members to be liaisons for the standing SC committees.

Section 2: President-Elect Responsibilities

  1. Shall preside with voting rights at all Executive Board meetings.
  2. Assumes the responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President or at the request of the Executive Board.
  3. Serves as a member of the Executive Board, and attends all Executive Board meetings; as well as serves as the liaison to at least one standing SC Committee.
  4. Fulfills such other responsibilities as given to this officer elsewhere in these bylaws or by action of the Council.

Section 4: Campus Vice President and Assistant Vice President Responsibilities

  1. Shall preside with voting rights at all Executive Board and Council meetings for their respective campus.
  2. The Assistant Vice President shall have voting rights at all Executive Board and Council meetings for their respective campus and assumes the duties of the Vice President for their campus section in the absence of that officer.
  3. Maintains and provides, on a quarterly basis, a list of currently eligible staff to the committee chairs and President for their campus section.
  4. Keeps an updated list of all Council committees and its members, and a list of university related committees and/or task forces that Council members are serving on.
  5. Records the attendance of all members at campus section meetings, and reports to the Council Admin to maintain attendance records.
  6. Assistant Vice President shall record the minutes of their campus meetings and forward to the Secretary for record keeping.
  7. Recruits a staff representative from each academic and administrative unit for their respective campus section.
  8. Requests end of the year reports from committee chairs to be presented to the Executive Board.
  9. Fulfills such other responsibilities as given to this officer elsewhere in these bylaws or by action of the Council.

Section 4: Parliamentarian Responsibilities

  1. Shall preside with voting rights at all Executive Board meetings.
  2. Exercises general supervision over the regularly scheduled Executive Board meetings and assists campus Vice Presidents (upon request) with meetings of their Councils, which will be governed by the latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
  3. Serves as the official keeper of Robert’s Rules of Order, and recommends an updated version when needed.
  4. Serves as liaison to at least one standing SC Committee.
  5. Provides information to the Secretary to send official notification of dismissal or appropriate warning notices to a member when necessary.
  6. Fulfills such other responsibilities as given to this officer elsewhere in these bylaws or by action of the Council.

Section 5: Treasurer Responsibilities

  1. Shall preside with voting rights at all Executive Board meetings.
  2. Works with Council Admin to ensure they keep and maintain all financial transactions which involve income or expenses.
  3. Responsible for official financial documents.
  4. The Council Admin receives funds in the form of account transfers, cash, or checks, and deposits into the appropriate university account for each campus section. All campus section related funds and/or general Council funds received must be routed through the Council Admin under the guidance of the Treasurer.
  5. Presents a verbal report of funds expended and/or funds received at each regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting and provide a written report to the campus Councils on a quarterly basis.
  6. Serves on Council committees and/or may be appointed by the President to serve on a university committee and/or task force.
  7. Serves as liaison to at least one standing SC committee.
  8. Fulfills such other responsibilities as given to this officer elsewhere in these bylaws or by action of the Council.

Section 6: Secretary Responsibilities

  1. Shall preside with voting rights at all Executive Board meetings.
  2. Ensures that a record of all Board, Council, Committee and meeting minutes are recorded properly.
  3. Certifies and keeps the original, or a copy of these bylaws as amended or otherwise altered.
  4. Assists Council Admin with the website updating and record keeping as needed, including attendance records.
  5. Serves as liaison to at least one standing SC Committee.
  6. Assists with any and all correspondence for the Council and verifies all records.
  7. Fulfills such other responsibilities as given to this officer elsewhere in these bylaws or by action of the Council.

Section 7: Past President Responsibilities

  1. Shall preside without voting rights (except to break a tie) at all Executive Board meetings, all council meetings and all campus council meetings.
  2. Provides advice and leadership to the Executive Board regarding past practices and other matters to assist the Board in governing the Council.
  3. Serves as liaison to at least one standing SC committee.
  4. Fulfills such other responsibilities as given to this officer elsewhere in these bylaws or by action of the Council.

Section 1: Grounds for Dismissal

  1. A Council member shall be subject to dismissal for failing to fulfill the duties, for failing to meet all University Policies and procedures, as well as the responsibilities of Council members and/or elected positions, as outlined in the bylaws.

Section 2: Dismissal Procedures

  1. The intent to dismiss a Council Member, and/or SC Committee chair positions must appear on the written agenda prior to the next regularly schedule All Council meeting and must include the reason for the dismissal and sufficient time for discussion during the meeting for all parties.
  2. A dismissal vote requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Council members present at any given meeting.
  3. The Membership & Recruitment committee will oversee the voting, which will be done by secret ballot. In the event of a tie, the dismissal fails.
  4. The Council member being considered for dismissal cannot vote.
  5. Any elected or appointed Council member, with the exception of ex-officio positions, may be subject to dismissal.
  6. Any SC Member facing removal for failure of their responsibility under this section must have a list of complaints submitted against them. These complaints will initially be submitted to the President.
  7. Any elected SC member, regardless of membership on a standing committee or the Executive Board, with the exception of the current serving SC President, shall be permitted to bring charges of removal against another SC Member.
  8. The SC Member making charges for removal must do so within a reasonable time of the offense(s) and provide to the President a written or typed document describing which sections of these bylaws were violated.  The SC Member making charges against another may provide such documentation as may be necessary to demonstrate the violation of these bylaws.
  9. The following procedures shall be adhered to once the President receives charges from one SC Member that another Member has violated these bylaws.
    1. Having received a written or typed document of charges, the President shall, as quickly as possible, order the creation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal which shall, during its standing, retain full authority and power on behalf of the ASU SC to remove a Member. The President shall turn over the charges submitted to them to the Chair of Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal [see bullet 5 below].
    2. The President shall determine whether a vote, appointment or other satisfactorily fair process shall take place to secure membership of the Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal.
    3. The Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal shall include no less than 5 but no more than 9 elected SC Members. These Members shall not be an Executive Board Member or the SC President at the time the Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal is formed. The committee shall not consist of the SC Member charged with violating the bylaws nor the SC Member bringing charges of violation. The Ad Hoc Committee will ensure that all sides are included in their final report.
    4. The Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal members, having been selected, shall elect from themselves a Chair who shall ensure good order and efficient operation of their proceedings. The Chair shall be the custodian of all statements, documents, or artifacts received by Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal and shall take reasonable efforts to memorialize the proceedings of the committee.
    5. The Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal members, having been selected, shall elect from themselves a Secretary who shall document the proceedings of the committee, the statements of the Council Member bringing charges, as well as the statement of the Council Member facing removal.
    6. The Ad Hoc committee members having been selected may hear charges in a format of their choosing from the Council Member bringing charges, as well as the Council Member facing removal. They may also rely solely on the initial statement of charges provided to them by the SC President, depending on the severity, clarity and certainty that those charges reveal. The committee will determine a reasonable and fair format if a hearing or additional statement are deemed necessary.
    7. The Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal will be required to pass a motion with two-thirds (2/3) of the committee in favor of removal in order for the Council Member facing removal to actually be removed.
    8. Having removed or declined to remove the charged SC Member, the committee shall report their findings to the full SC through the Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal Chair. The Chair shall ensure the SC President adds to the agenda a read out of the summary of proceedings and the finding of the committee.
      1. At the point that the SC Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal has voted with a two-thirds (2/3) majority in favor of removal, the charged Council Member loses all rights and privileges, including committee and Executive Board membership, committee chairmanship, Staff Council or Executive Board voting rights, or other rights as may be in the future enumerated and granted to a Council Member.
      2. Having voted for removal or having declined removal, the Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal shall be automatically disbanded.
      3. If the Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal chooses not to remove a SC Member, that council member will not face an appellate committee. No new charges can be brought until a new academic year and Council cycle have commenced.
        1. In the event the removal of a SC Member where a removed SC Member wishes to appeal, the Executive Board will functional as the appellate committee.
        2. In the event of an appeal the charged and removed SC Member will notify the President of the SC of their intent to appeal.
        3. Once the SC President receives notice of the intent to appeal, the President will take hold of any statements, documents, or artifacts received or generated by, the Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal, retained by the Chair.
        4. The SC President will organize the Executive Board Members as Appellate Committee to review the statements, documents or artifacts related to removal and the SC President shall serve automatically as the Appellate Committee Chair.
        5. The SC President as Committee Chair along with the Executive Board as Appellate Committee itself will determine the process for reviewing the documents. No hearing is required, though one may be used if the Executive Board as Appellate Committee finds it necessary.
        6. Having concluded deliberations, the Executive Board as Appellate Committee will through the SC President notify the appealing removed member of their decision to uphold or reverse the Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissals decision. The SC President will also inform the full SC of their decision as an item on the next available agenda.
        7. If a reversal of the Ad Hoc Committee on Dismissal is issued by the Executive Board as Appellate Board, the SC member is at that moment restored to prior positions, committee and board memberships, etc.
      4. In the event of an Executive Board Member being removed, the same procedures will apply; however when convening as the Executive Board as Appellate Committee, the appealing Executive Board Member will not participate.
      5. In the event that the SC President is being charged with violating these bylaws, the role of the SC President shall fall to the next most senior elected member of the SC Executive Board Member. The SC President shall not forfeit any rights or positions until they are removed.
    9. If there is no specific rule or guideline to follow for any specific action, the Executive Board has the authority to make the decision on how to proceed with that action.

Section 3: Council Member Resignations

  1. If a Council member chooses to resign they must submit a Letter of Resignation to the Secretary. Once accepted, a resignation cannot be rescinded.
  2. The Vice President (or designated substitute) for that campus section must announce any resignations at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 4: Council Member Replacement Procedure

  1. If an elected Council member resigns, is recalled, or is no longer staff and there is less than six (6) months left of his or her term, no replacement shall be made. The position shall be filled at the next general election. The Vice President for that campus section may choose to hold a special election before the next general election.
  2. If an elected member resigns, is recalled, or is no longer staff, and there is more than six (6) months remaining on his or her term, the Membership & Recruitment Committee will provide the name of the eligible candidate who received the next highest number of votes in the last election to the Vice President of that campus section. The Vice President for that campus section may appoint that candidate to serve for the remainder of the term.

Section 5: Appointed Member Replacement Procedures

  1. For appointed members' vacancies (for external organizations the University requires staff council representation), the SC President to inform the Vice President of Human Resources (or other designee) to submit a request to the ASU President to appoint a member to complete the term (see Article VI, Section I).

Section 6: Executive Board Member Replacement Procedures

  1. If the President position becomes vacant any time prior to the end of his or her term, the President-Elect will assume the role of President.  In the absence of a President-Elect, the Vice Presidents from each campus section will vote to determine which Vice Preisent will succeed as the President for the balance of the term.
  2. If the Vice President position for any campus section becomes vacant at any time prior to the end of his or her term, the Assistant Vice President of that campus will succeed as Vice President for the balance of the term.
  3. If the Assistant Vice President position for a campus section becomes vacant anytime prior to the end of his or her term, a special election will be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting to choose a new Assistant Vice President for the balance of the term.
  4. If the Secretary, Parliamentarian or Treasurer position becomes vacant any time prior to the end of his or her term, a special election will be held at the next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting to choose a new officer from among the General Council members. The new officer will serve for the balance of the term.

Section 1: Establishment of Council Committees

  1. The addition or deletion of any committee or subcommittee must appear on the written agenda for the next All Council meeting, and must pass by a majority vote.
  2. The Executive Board shall determine the charge and directives for approved Council committees, except for standing committees as defined in Section 3.
  3. Council committees shall be reviewed on an annual basis, and revised, deleted, or added as a standing committee to the bylaws as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Committee Members and Committee Chairs

  1. Any staff member may serve on a Council committee.
  2. Committee members are strongly advised to seek staff volunteers to serve on their committees (see Article VI, Section 2).
  3. There is no limitation on the number of years a staff member can serve on any committee.
  4. Council committees for each campus section must have a representative who is appointed by the Vice President.
  5. The respective Executive Board committee liaisons will solicit nominations and/or volunteers for the committee chair positions from the committees. Committee chairs will serve for the fiscal year, and can be re-appointed for up to 2 years.  Removal of committee chairs must follow the dismissal procedures in Article X, Section 2 dismissal procedures.
  6. Committee members shall be appointed or removed by the chairperson for each committee.
  7. Committee chairs shall:
    1. be voted in by its respective committee members.
    2. Document and maintain committee procedures and committee member list, and update them as needed.
    3. Hold regular meetings with other committee members to discuss items and events related to committee activities.
    4. Present written reports at least quarterly, or as requested by the Executive Board.

Section 3: Definitions of Standing Staff Council Committees

  1. Activities and Events Committee
    Responsible for:
    1. Planning and coordinating various Council activities and events to include, but not limited to, any of the following:
      1. Homecoming Block Party Information Booths
      2. Borderlands Food Rescue (as needed when students are not in session)
      3. Town Hall
      4. Relay for Life
      5. Staff Nights at sporting events
      6. Other Social Events
    2. Working with the Communications Committee to coordinate the necessary marketing materials to promote Council activities and events.
    3. Participating in other major university events, such as Homecoming, Graduation, and Fall Welcome.
    4. The committee is encouraged to seek assistance from those who possess knowledge and expertise with regard to the issue they are exploring.
  2. Communications Committee
    Responsible for:
    1. Gathering and distributing information regarding university activities, events, and announcements that may affect staff on a weekly basis (using appropriate technology).
    2. Maintaining and updating the SC information brochure, and providing it for Council activities and events, or other university events that may involve or support the Council’s mission and goals.
    3. Maintaining and updating the Council's social networking pages to include all social media accounts.
    4. Reviewing the information content of the SC website, and suggest changes, additions, or deletions to the Council Admin
    5. Providing any other marketing materials needed to promote various Council activities and events, and to recruit Council members.
    6. The committee is encouraged to seek assistance from those who possess knowledge and expertise with regard to the issue they are exploring.
  3. Membership and Recruitment Committee
    Responsible for:
    1. Identify challenges and opportunities for recruiting new members and retaining current members.
    2. Providing general campus orientation to both new and current staff members.
    3. Provide welcome materials to new SC members.
    4. Sets annual membership goals with input from the campus councils.
    5. Work with the Communications Committee to publicize events and membership goals.
    6. Promoting SC and appropriate events on campus by hosting a table with our organizational information
    7. Identifying and directly contacting potential SC members.
    8. Planning and overseeing general recruiting efforts.
    9. Monitor the success of each recruiting method.
    10. Assist with the elections process as required for ethical voting processes and to encourage all eligible staff to vote.
  4. Work Climate Committee
    Responsible for:
    1. Understanding issues impacting the workforce (training, professional development, compensation, discrimination, generational issues, budgets, transportation issues, etc.)
    2. Identifying existing programs and services to improve or alleviate these issues, or recommend changes, enhancements, or establishments of programs to meet these needs.
    3. Facilitating the communication of programs and services to university staff.
    4. The committee is encouraged to seek assistance from those who possess knowledge and expertise with regard to the issue they are exploring.
  5. Health & Safety Committee
    Responsible for:
    1. Understanding issues regarding safety and health affecting university staff (work-life balance, health issues, emergency preparedness, etc.)
    2. Identifying existing programs and services to improve or alleviate these issues, or recommend changes, enhancements, or establishments of programs to meet these needs.
    3. Facilitating the communication of programs and services to staff.
    4. The committee is encouraged to seek assistance from those who possess knowledge and expertise with regard to the issue they are exploring.
  6. Sustainability Committee
    Responsible for:
    1. Understanding issues impacting sustainability (climate change, pollution, use of non-renewable energy sources, etc.)
    2. Identifying existing programs and services available to improve or alleviate these issues, or recommend changes, enhancements, or establishments of programs to address these issues.
    3. Facilitating the communication of programs and services to university staff.
    4. The committee is encouraged to seek assistance from those who possess knowledge and expertise with regard to the issues they are exploring.
  7. Scholarship & Fundraising Committee
    Responsible for:
    1. Organizing and facilitating SC programs and other programs (i.e. Staff Helping Staff and Judy Reynolds Memorial Scholarship).
    2. Identifying existing scholarship programs and services available to staff.
    3. Identifying various fundraising programs and projects, and facilitating fundraising activities throughout the fiscal year.
    4. Facilitating the communication of these programs and services to staff.
    5. The committee is encouraged to seek assistance from those who possess knowledge and expertise with regard to the issues they are exploring.
  8. Staff Appreciation Committee
    Responsible for:
    1. Planning and coordinating various Council activities and events to include, but not limited to, any of the following:
      1. Employee Recognition BBQ on each campus (in partnership with SC and Office of Human Resources)
      2. Other Appreciation Events as determined by the committee
    2. Working with the Communications Committee to coordinate the necessary marketing materials to promote Council appreciation events.
    3. Participating in other campus events as assigned.
    4. The committee is encouraged to seek assistance from those who possess knowledge and expertise with regard to the issue they are exploring.
  9. Professional Development Committee
    Responsible for:
    1. Providing speakers for Staff Council professional development events/series, including:
      1. Monthly Lunch and Learn Series
      2. Annual CSW/SC Professional Development Conference
    2. Maintaining a roster of speakers to share with other ASU organizations for various events/workshops as needed.
    3. The committee is encouraged to seek assistance from those who possess knowledge and expertise with regard to the issue they are exploring.

Section 1: Meetings

  1. The latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will govern all meetings.
  2. The Secretary, with the assistance of the Council Admin, shall document the meeting minutes for all Council meetings, and distribute to Council members (via the SC website and email.)
  3. The Executive Board members will conduct all meetings, and any issues will be brought to the Parliamentarian to exercise general supervision of the meetings.
  4. A special session can be called by the President or by the request of any Council member with the consent of the Vice President for their campus section.
  5. If a special issue arises between regularly scheduled meetings that require immediate attention, the Executive Board may poll a quorum (two-thirds [2/3]) of voting members by email (per Robert’s Rules of Order, Section 39) to obtain a proxy. This vote shall be verified and recorded in the next meeting’s minutes.
  6. Annual Council and Executive Board meetings shall be scheduled at the beginning of the fiscal year to accommodate the attendance of the maximum number of staff.
  7. Council meetings for each campus section may be held on a bi-monthly basis.
  8. The Executive Board may hold an Awards Reception each fiscal year in June, and an Executive Board planning retreat in July.
  9. The Executive Board may host and facilitate a university-wide Town Hall meeting for all staff each fiscal year, based on the availability of the ASU President.

Section 2: Records

  1. Meeting agendas shall be prepared and distributed by the Secretary with the assistance of the Council Admin at (or prior to) each regularly scheduled meeting or special session.
  2. Meeting minutes for the previous meeting shall be reviewed and approved at the beginning of each Council meeting.
  3. Recorded materials, including meeting minutes, agendas, committee reports, and promotional materials shall be archived and kept on file with the Council Admin in the Staff Council Office.

Section 3: Quorum

  1. A quorum consists of two-thirds (2/3) of the total SC voting membership.
  2. In the event that a quorum is not present, all attending the meeting will have voting rights and that vote will be recorded just as if two-thirds (2/3) of the SC voting membership were present. This is to encourage attendance by the voting membership.

Section 4: Majority

  1. A simple majority vote will be implied unless otherwise stated in these bylaws.

Section 1: Continuity

  1. The bylaws shall be in effect at all times, with a few exceptions:
    1. The University is in the state of a re-organization for more than three (3) months.
    2. The Campus Council is non-existent (no members call or attend regular meetings), and there is no one elected as Vice President or Assistant Vice President for a campus section.
    3. Attendance at regular meetings is fewer than six (6) people for more than four (4) consecutive regular meetings.
    4. If any of the above items occurs, the bylaws can be suspended by a vote at a regular meeting. The vote must be passed by at least one-half (1/2) majority of the meeting attendees.

Section 2: Amendments to the Bylaws

  1. A proposed amendment to the bylaws must be submitted in writing with at least 10 business days' notice prior to voting.
  2. The proposed amendment must be passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Council members from all campus sections, and ratified as in Article XIV of the bylaws. Proxy votes may be submitted to the Secretary and counted toward ratification.

Revisions or amendments to these bylaws will become effective upon ratification by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Council members and approval of the ASU President.

Approved: February 13, 2020
Michael M. Crow, President
Arizona State University