Sun Award - Can we add an option to send anonymous Sun Award

The current SUN award allows recipients who receives Sun Award know who the sender is. While in most cases, I don't have problem disclosing it, I have heard from faculty/staff that they wish there is an option to allow the sender to be anonymous. Can we add this option for those who would like to use them?


Thank you for your suggestion regarding the option for anonymous submissions for the SUN Award. We understand that some faculty and staff may prefer anonymity when sending recognition.

However, the current SUN Award system is designed as an employee-based platform, and allowing anonymous submissions would compromise its integrity. The anonymity feature could potentially open the system to misuse, as it would make it possible for anyone to send a SUN Award without accountability.

The intent of the SUN Award is to maintain a transparent and positive environment where recipients are aware of who is recognizing their contributions. We appreciate your understanding and will continue to consider ways to improve the system while maintaining its core values.



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