Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference

The Third Annual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference - Creating a Culture of Belonging. 

This conference is sponsored by the ASU Staff Council on behalf of the I.D.E.A. Committee. It is scheduled for Thursday, March 30, 2023 and will be held virtually from 8:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. Register NOW! This conference will be recorded and available for viewing in April. 

Conference Chair: Alejandra Dashe

Staff Council’s Third Annual DEI Conference: Creating a Culture of Belonging

Diversity and inclusion are high priorities for many institutions, but it often boils down to checking boxes and ensuring only that marginalized voices are present, not powerful.

What’s often missing from these conversations is the concept of “belonging” that enables each person to feel safe and secure in a community. When we have a high feeling of belonging, we are empowered to share daring ideas, to connect to a wider mission or purpose, and to offer constructive criticism. When we belong, we feel safe enough to drop our defenses and show people different sides of ourselves. When we belong, all of our identities are valued and respected. 

Fostering this culture of belonging at a large institution is no easy task, but it is necessary to the work of ensuring that all at ASU feel welcomed and given the opportunity to thrive. 

Join us for our third annual conference for a day of learning, growth, and connection. We will hear from an array of presenters about their stories and strategies in the effort to create a culture of belonging.

Register here



2023 Conference Overview

Dr. Jeff McGee

Dr. Jeff McGee, 2023 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Jeff McGee is a consultant, professor, national speaker, podcast guest, published author of the nationally recognized book, “One Human Race: Five Stages to Empowering Transformative Change” and thought leader in using an asset-based approach to understand cross-cultural and leadership competencies.


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Time Title Speaker(s) Organization
8:00-8:05 Welcome to the DEI Conference Dr. Adero Allison ASU
8:05-8:10 Welcome from President Crow Dr. Michael M. Crow ASU
8:10-8:15 Quick Housekeeping Vera Von Esse ASU
8:15-9:00 Leading in Uncertain Times
Deep, empathetic human connections are essential to navigating as leaders during these uncertain and unsteady times. We must ensure we show up as our authentic selves in order to connect more fully to the people within our organizations and openly reflect equitable attributes across diverse landscapes.
Shane Portfolio Comcast
9:00-9:45 Recognition, Recovery, Renewal: Cultivating the New Normal
The COVID pandemic raised the consciousness of America to long-standing disparities for underserved populations. Much like the seasons of nature, the opportunity presents itself to recognize the root of these disparities, develop strategies of reconciliation, and consider a process of renewal that can create a more equitable place for all. 
Jacob Moore ASU
9:45-10:30 An Honest Conversation About Equity
When it comes to DEI we know that Equity is where the work really lies. It’s where the capital investment into creating a level playing field happens. So why, then, is it disappearing from DEI and being replaced with words like belonging and culture? Why is Equity so important to focus on now rather than later? This panel will have an open and honest conversation about the power of Equity and why it should be one of the primary elements of social justice work.
Dr. Mako Ward, Dr. Marlon Bailey, Dr. Keon McGuire and Krystal Bird ASU 
10:30-11:15 Intellectual Self-Care: Inclusive Leaders Creating Inclusive Environments
The importance of self-care in leadership is more important than it has ever been. When we say self-care, we picture bubble baths and spa days. What is truly needed is the ability and tools to practice radical and intellectual self-care throughout our days in an effort to show up as our best selves. Intellectual self-care is the knowing of oneself and one’s environment and operating in vulnerability to create safe and inclusive behaviors for the diverse teams we lead. It is taking agency over our daily tasks, schedules, responsibilities and relationships within our environments in ways that better care for our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing as leaders.
Danielle Shoots Daily Boss Up
11:15-12:00 Authentic Ally-Ship: This Ain't No Social Justice Cruise
The term “Ally” has been in social justice circles for more than 40 years.  It's now broken into more mainstream culture and it's time to reimagine and redefine this term for our current context.  Being an ally in the 1980s is not the same as being an ally in 2022.  If we are to "Heal Our Nation", we must develop the capacity to serve as authentic allies now.  
Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington The Washington Consulting Group
12:00-12:30 Intermission     
12:30-1:25 Keynote: Leading and Leaving an Inclusion Legacy
Everyone’s success in an organization is based on how we include employees in the mission of the organization, and how you instill the mindset that their work matters and makes a difference. It’s important that we are inclusive in how we engage with our diverse workforce, and include employees of various cultures, races, ages, genders, etc. However, as leaders, it is most important to create a legacy of inclusion. If opportunities are not created for employees to interact, collaborate, and solve problems in meaningful ways with those from different backgrounds, departments, and functions, your employees will remain in silos. All of your good work to increase diversity could potentially go to waste. Culture change must drive a leader's vision and commitment to action, equity, and inclusion.
Angeles Valenciano National Diversity Council
1:25-1:30 Final Remarks and Closing Carolyn Starr ASU Staff Council 

Revisit previous conferences

2022 conference

Healing Our Nation: The Power of Authentic Allyship Conference

Chair: Krystal Bird

See details

Vision Statement

We envision a space where attendees are empowered to create change in their spheres of influence in order to amplify the work of, and problem solve with historically underinvested communities. Presenters will offer practical steps for attendees to integrate allyship into their personal and professional lives. With our intent clearly defined, we welcome those groups of people who have historically had a limited voice. Often conferences and trainings focus on bringing awareness to social issues. While awareness is key to moving forward when making change, we often get stuck at this step. It is our belief that we must forge past awareness into action. Our presenters are prepared to offer insights for attendees that will help them effectively make changes in their spheres of influence while working and living with people who may not look like them or believe the same way they do. With our intent clearly defined, we welcome those groups of people who have historically had a limited voice.These groups include but are not limited to the following: Black and African, LGBTQIA, Disabled, Native American, Latinx, Veteran, Women’s, and Asian communities.