Speak up Be heard: Policies and procedures


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Status: Resolved

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I am trying to figure out why every department has a different standard for working from home. The "rule" is 60% in office and 40% at home, however, instead of 2 days WFH and 3 in office- some departments do 2 days in office some do1 in office. Can we have a baseline here?


Thank you for your question. In accordance with SPP 306: Flexible Work Arrangements https://public.powerdms.com/ASU/documents/1560365 ASU defines Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) - hybrid option as when an employee spends a minimum of 60% of their regular workweek at their primary ASU work location. Alternative arrangements, including full remote work, are exceptions. Flexible Work Arrangements are not a requirement, but rather a benefit that is offered to employees at the discretion of the Dean, VP, or Leadership. Vice presidents or deans may establish standard and/or alternative work schedules, and hybrid and full remote work arrangements, that best meet the service and work needs of their respective areas. Guidelines regarding FWA can be found here: https://cfo.asu.edu/telecommuting-guidelines 

8% Maximum Pay Increase

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Status: Resolved

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I recently received a promotion and was told that I could only receive an 8% salary increase. This 8% increase doesn’t come close to the person I am replacing salary despite comparable experience, certifications, and education.

Is the maximum 8% increase a legitimate ASU policy?


Vice Provost

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Status: Resolved

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Why is there no longer a Vice Provost for the Downtown Phoenix and Poly campuses to oversee the collaborations and administration of those campuses to ensure units are collaborating? This position used to ensure that all leadership was aware of campus-wide efforts and maximizing opportunities to enhance the campuses events and outreach. With the lack of this position, it appears that the units on the campuses are operating in siloes now.


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