Summer hours?

As many positions do not allow working remotely; would there ever be discussion about summer hours for employees such as Fridays off during June and/or July or summer hours ending earlier at 3pm during June and/or July? Summer shifts ending at 3pm would allow staff to leave before the extreme heat of afternoons, especially those that park far away. Another potential option for heat reprieve may be consideration of closing on Fridays during summer months. This would allow reduced electricity usage campus wide with reduction of ozone pollution from driving that is compounded by extreme heat periods. 


Thank you for your question. The regular business hours for ASU are Monday-Friday, 8am – 5pm. As a public university, we place a premium to serving our students, families and public during established business hours. In accordance with SPP 306; Alternative Schedules may be an option, but are limited to the following: 1. four ten-hour days 2. a 9-day, 80-hour schedule over two workweeks (exempt employees only) 3. staggered start and stop times 4. working on weekends/evenings 5. working during second or third shifts during specific hours determined within the unit 6. working shifts with shortened lunch periods. Vice presidents or deans may establish standard and/or alternative work schedules, that best meet the service and work needs of their respective areas. We also invite you to review the flexible work arrangement program as another alternative. I suggest you reach out to your supervisor or internal HR department to explore alternative scheduling or flexible work arrangement guidance



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