I am utterly disappointed, disturbed and frustrated with the lack of equal appropriation of funds for all Staff Helping Staff applicants. I submitted an application upon the recommendation of my co-worker. This co-worker (also a close personal friend) experienced a hardship with costly car repairs and was awarded the full amount requested to repair her car. When I experienced THE SAME car issues and submitted an application for THE SAME amount - I WAS DENIED!

Hello, I read the recent vacation policy accrual change and although it benefits all employees it does not address the holiday season. I know that ASU follows the Thank you for your feedback. The university falls under the policy guidelines of the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR). The holiday leave benefits policy currently authorizes ASU to designate 10 paid holidays; that number has not been expanded since the federal government’s recognition of Juneteenth.

I would like to know what steps ASU plans to take to address the information presented to ABOR during their meeting on 8/24/2023 regarding the Annual Personnel Report. The meeting information and the report can be viewed at https://arizonastateu.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/O365ABOR/public/Committee/Board/EfWloE8iL49NjdC52vxaAoUBAtlXT38zQXUhcKO7sOFHuw. Look for Item #6.

I'm disappointed that a DEIAB committee is having an in-person only event. This excludes many remote employees. It is not equitable because attendees on different campuses will have to take more time of their day to attend and also because there is limited attendance. It is not accessible because not everyone can easily travel around campus. As a remote out of state employee, this makes me feel like I do not belong.

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention the urgent need for a comprehensive salary reform at Arizona State University. The current challenges faced by our staff in terms of required educational experience, gender pay gaps, and cost of living increases are reaching critical levels, impacting not only individual livelihoods but the overall equity and vibrancy of our university community.

Is ASU ever going to make a cost of living adjustment to employee salaries? I work full-time and then some and am struggling to make ends meet. With the astronomical rise in cost of living the salaries have not caught up and your employees are struggling.

I am extremely disappointed in ASU 's decisions to try to cancel the Messrs. Prager and Kirk lecture, then to fire Lin Blake, and finally to terminate Ms. Atkinson, in spite of her achieving the excellent result of over 25,000 listeners per WSJ, Opinion section, 6/20/23. The biggest loser is the Barrett Honors College. Future Barrett students can take their business elsewhere. New faculty will prudently consider ASU's narrow-mindedness and censoring.

I have worked in the non-profit, K-12, and other higher ed roles and ASU seems as though they are behind on implementing various holidays throughout the year. I recently worked for Maricopa Community College and the new president implemented 1 week of paid vacation for non-faculty staff for spring break as well as Juneteenth off for their 2023 calendar year on top of the 1 week of between Christmas and New Years.

I explored my options for QTR and although it is a great perk, it is still costly out-of-pocket. That being said, I'm looking into Certificate options to continue my professional growth and development. I would like to see a professional development stipend or scholarship opportunity to pursue other professional growth certificates and options outside of our system. In my previous roles from other employers, they offered a stipend for professional growth.

Again, you are not listening to your students and faculty... the most valuable members of the University! I am FT faculty at ASU and the #1 complaint I hear from coworkers is about paying to park and not even at a discounted rate! It is cheaper to park at Heritage garage through the city than to pay through ASU. I will not be returning in the spring because of this, the pay is just not enough to justify paying to park as well.

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