I am trying to figure out why every department has a different standard for working from home. The "rule" is 60% in office and 40% at home, however, instead of 2 days WFH and 3 in office- some departments do 2 days in office some do1 in office. Can we have a baseline here?

I recently received a promotion and was told that I could only receive an 8% salary increase. This 8% increase doesn’t come close to the person I am replacing salary despite comparable experience, certifications, and education.

Is the maximum 8% increase a legitimate ASU policy?

For most of it's history, West has been largely a commuter campus. It's becoming much more residential and growing like crazy. However, we don't have the bike infrastructure that Tempe has. I would gladly bike to work, coming in from just 1.5 miles to the west. However, 2 things interfere. First, Wood Drive coming in from the southwest part of campus lacks bike lanes. It has narrow shoulders, often gravelly, and the desert vegetation obscures line of sight for drivers, making this a hazardous route. Expanding to include bike lanes and trimming the brush would fix this.

I am salary exempt and constantly work 60+ and the new FLSA threshold is being raised to $58,656 will take me from a exempt employee to a non exempt employee. I know I will not receive a large enough raise to push me over that new limit. What does this mean for me? Will I have to now keep a timesheet and submit justification for overtime?

Is the ASU food bank/pantry available to staff? Considering the economic realities facing ASU staff, I propose that access to the Pitchfork Pantry food bank be extended to all employees. Here are several compelling reasons why this initiative is necessary and beneficial:

Will ASU consider implementing a cost of living adjustment for employee salaries? Many full-time employees, myself included, are finding it increasingly challenging to make ends meet. Despite the soaring cost of living, our salaries have not kept pace, leaving us struggling financially.

Hello, this year's employee appreciation BBQ falls on March 28 and 24, which is during Ramadan. I was wondering if we could consider selecting a date outside of Ramadan so Muslim employees can also attend. I also ask if we can consider having vegan and vegetarian items so the event is more inclusive.

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