As it is, ASU currently offers a Health Incentive Program partnering with Virgin Pulse. The program allows for staff to get a financial bonus for completing activities. While health incentive programs often aim to promote wellness and encourage healthy behaviors, they can inadvertently exacerbate existing disparities and inequities within communities, which I wholeheartedly believe Virgin Pulse is doing. 

As many positions do not allow working remotely; would there ever be discussion about summer hours for employees such as Fridays off during June and/or July or summer hours ending earlier at 3pm during June and/or July? Summer shifts ending at 3pm would allow staff to leave before the extreme heat of afternoons, especially those that park far away. Another potential option for heat reprieve may be consideration of closing on Fridays during summer months.

There is growing concern among many employees at our institution—the issue of low pay. While senior management enjoys comfortable compensation packages, a significant number of our staff are living paycheck to paycheck. Many of our colleagues are single-income earners without the benefit of a partner's additional income, which makes managing the high living costs, such as rent for an apartment, particularly challenging. Arizona's cost of living has steadily risen, placing additional financial strain on employees.

Our annual Staff Council End of Year Celebration will take place on Friday, June 28  from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. This year’s celebration will be held at SkySong – The ASU Scottsdale Innovation Center located at 1365 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, Building 3, Synergy I & II.

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